
Thursday, March 17, 2005

Scott Bakula……AWAY!

Sometimes TV gives you a valid reason to wade through the near limitless plateaus of excrement that make up the bulk of programming. One such Knight-errant of television that shines vibrantly with majesty from this abysmal abyss is Quantum Leap. My words will likely fail to depict the true awe-inspiring greatness of this show, but these words are all I can give without actually coming to your house and forcing you to watch the first two seasons on DVD in a non-stop Leap marathon that could only end with fatal aneurisms caused by the attempt to absorb so much awesomeness in such a condensed amount of time.

With that out of the way let’s take a look at the DVD release of Quantum Leap Season One. The first season started the series off well, though shorter than subsequent seasons it gave viewers a glimpse of the great potential of Quantum Leap. Serious and controversial social issues could be tackled, and you always knew that no matter how big or small the issue faced in any particular episode you had the strength of the two lead characters Sam and Al to fall back on. Without the chemistry between Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell this show would have lost a major part of its edge. In a show where they were the only constants and the setting as well as the rest of the cast were new each week their versatility was paramount.

My favorite feature of this DVD set is that Scott Bakula does a short video introduction before each episode, something that is missed from the second season, but is an understandable cut as there are also many more episodes to fit on the discs. These introductions are really interesting for seeing little bits of the history behind the episodes and show in general. You can see that Quantum Leap was a true labor of love.

Best jackets ever…

Ok, so maybe you are getting tired of hearing me gush about this show so it’s time to do a quick breakdown. The packaging gets bonus points for being very shiny and functional; it also features Backula being a badass on the cover with a very dramatic walk. There are three discs that pretty much all look like the same cool blue anomaly except with different numbers. There are nine episodes total, episode insights and a documentary about the history of the show all of which are great if you are a fan. The menus are pretty good, not overly fancy but each episode has a brief text synopsis that can be useful.

The video quality is pretty good for a 1989 TV series, sound is only stereo but good. Last but not least Quantum Leap has one of the greatest theme songs in television history.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

I suggest we raise shields

Dozens of voices the world round rose up all at once screaming “KHAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn!” and then there was silence.

So we know that UPN finally got around to canceling Enterprise, and in usual TV fashion it happened just as the show was hitting stride and turning out quality product. Ok, there is no question that the theme song was an abomination that should not have ever made it’s way to our aural receptors, but there are things to miss as well.

First of all this cancellation means that television will be sorely lacking Bakula. I waited good and long for that man amongst men to get another TV show after the brilliance that was Quantum Leap bid farewell to the airwaves so this is a bit of an annoyance. I can only hope that in some way Bakula will return to something Quantum Leap be it on the big screen or small, which would be right up there with the Leafs winning the cup on my wish list.

A fairly sizeable protest effort has been started in an attempt by fans to get one more season of their beloved show. The folks over at SaveEnterprise.com have been raising money to throw at UPN to try to get them to deliver a fifth season. They have collected around $ 3,109,134.62, in large part thanks to a massive three million dollar pledge by members of the commercial space flight industry.

Trek Fans may still have something to look forward to, the eleventh Star Trek movie is in being written by Erik Jendresen who has also written episodes of “Band of Brothers.” The movie would feature an all new cast and take place 100 years before the time of Kirk. The movie would also be grittier than what fans are used to. It could work, but then again it could very well blow massive chunks……..needs more Bakula, Shatner, and Stewart.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

What could be...

Recent rumors have New Line going after none other than Quentin Tarantino to write and direct what is being referred to as the Ultimate Friday the 13th movie.

I will give you a second to scoop up your brains which have no doubt exploded out of the back of your head onto the nearest wall.

I can only hope that this pans out and becomes a reality, we really need to start putting more quality into the current lackluster horror genre.

Source: IGN FilmForce

Monday, March 07, 2005

Pure West

These immortal lines shall forever echo through my mind due to their unquestionable artistic brilliance: “Fetch me the Bat Anti-Shark Repellant Spray, Robin - hurry!”

This is Batman at its finest….well maybe not, but it thoroughly trounces George Clooney’s go at it. Adam West and Burt Ward were inspired as the dynamic duo. I may be too young to have been around when the original TV series first aired, but the reruns were one of the highlights of my youth. This is camp at its best, perhaps it even helped cultivate my love of campy movies that led to my love of the ever brilliant Evil Dead series and many other so bad they’re great movies.

This version of Batman’s world is basically the polar opposite of Tim Burton’s dark and grimy Gotham. Everything has a label with the prefix “Bat”, hard hits are emphasized with brass horns and a “Zap”, “Pow”, or an equally clever word, and nothing – absolutely noting – is more seductive than the Batdance, unless it’s one of the various Catwomen. I mean for the love of god they changed into their costumes by opening a secret door with a switch in a William Shakespeare bust and sliding down fire poles to the Batcave! There are few things cooler than that, unless you count being able to buy one of those functioning statues for yourself.

In a movie where the members of the United Nations get dehydrated into small piles of granular powder you know it is well worth what ever price it takes to own. Lets not forget that Batman: The Movie is also host to at least two of the most brilliant bomb scenes in the history of cinema. There is no excuse, go get this movie now, and if you already have it force everyone you know to watch it.

The Final Countdown

As I am sure we are all well aware The Contender is making its debut this Monday. The show will follow 16 pro boxers as they train to follow their dreams of becoming a champion. The show sounds moderately interesting, but when you factor in that these boxers will be training under the supervision of boxing great Sugar Ray Leonard and none other than the Italian Stallion himself, Sylvester Stallone, you get TV magic. If watching this show in any way, shape, or form will help Rocky VI end up as something more tangible than internet rumors and late night sugar induced dreams, I’m in.